Give Shop


We believe that God has called us to reach and bless people from one to many.

Our heartfelt thanks goes to you for standing with us in your donations to help the church to fulfil its mission and vision.

You may wish to know more on how to contribute to the work of Renewal, please scroll down for the four ways you can support by giving financially.

Tithes & Offerings >
Contributing to the upkeep and ongoing work of Renewal
Vision Offering >
Reaching the next generation with our ‘Make the Most’ building project
Community Fund >
Supporting people within our local community who are in need of help
Relief Fund >
Providing relief in times of distress for those in our church family
Gift aid.

If you are a UK taxpayer, please click the Gift Aid button when you give as it allows us to we gain an extra 25p for every £1 you donate.

If you are already a regular giver and wish to complete the gift aid form, please download it from here.


At Renewal Solihull – we also have Contact Cards at our Giving Points where you can fill out your details in order to give or give via our envelope.

How do you use the Giving Point stations?

We have new Giving Point stations at Renewal Solihull, our brilliant Finance team Rob and Bev will show you how its done!

Please watch below:


Tithes & Offerings

Contributing to the ongoing work of Renewal needs regular consistency to keep the church going and growing. We believe that tithing is not a law but a principle to the spiritual house you call home. If you’re not part of the Renewal Church family, this is also where you can donate to the work ongoing work of the church.


Vision Offering

We launched in 2021 four vision focuses that give us unity, direction and enable us to progress. The ‘Let Us Start’ campaign is to make the most of our current building assets to reach the next generation with the gospel. Giving to the vision offering enables us to meet the phased targets to make this project a reality.


Community Fund

This fund helps support people within our local communities who are in need of our help. Your giving is allocated towards our community projects such as Helping Hands, Stay & Play, Recovery Course and wider community events. It also includes seasonal projects such as our Christmas Toy Offering and The Easter Egg Appeal.


Relief Fund

This is a fund where our church family can provide much needed relief in times of distress for any amongst us that are struggling. We all at some point have a time of need and we demonstrate the love of God by sharing with one another. Your giving helps us top up this fund to be able to provide support to those across our church family.


Ways you can give

If you would like to give towards the work we do, here are the ways you can!

Bank Transfer & Standing Order

Giving to us by bank transfer helps us avoid any charges, making your donation go further. Send a one-off donation or set up a standing order to send us a regular gift. Click here and we'll send you a document with all our bank details on to set it up.

One-off gifts & Direct Debits

You can give one-off gifts or ongoing direct debits through our online giving system. It's really safe and simple to do so, just click this box and follow the on-screen direction. If you're a UK taxpayer, please add Gift Aid on your donations so we can claim the tax back.

Give with cash and contactless

You can find giving points that take cash and contactless card payments at all our locations. Our contactless terminals accept Apple Pay and Google Pay too! If you're a UK taxpayer, please add Gift Aid on your cash donations so we can claim the tax back.

Contact us

If you have any questions on giving or finances contact our finance department here.

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